It seems I've forgotten about keeping up with this blog. Although I have had snippets of time where I could have been writing here....I shamefully didn't. I have been on Facebook.... you can visit my fan page there at ALee Drake/romance author. I had some creative moments... some inspirational adventures and events in the past few years that have kept me busy and provided fodder for my stories.
I have a new book coming out. It is entitled Men In Ts and it is a sweet contemporary romance that revolves around a 1916 Model T car. I grew up around model T cars and went to the international Model T convention in Indiana a couple of years ago.... well a story brewed and I started writing. I am not as prolific as I'd like to be, I have friends who write four books a year....I publish one book every four years. I'm working on that tho.
Well, now that I've reacquainted myself with this site.... I will be back... as I hope you will be back too. I am planning on writing here once a week to start. That will require me to get out my calender and pencil in blogging as an appointment... or I'll never remember.
Please stay with me.... Men In Ts will be coming out soon. I'm so excited!!!! I've read it a hundred times.... and still like it.